Saturday, December 28, 2013

Why natural

Did you wonder what happens in the past twenty years or so? Everything changed and not in a good way.
We have internet, everybody have a TV set in every rooms and people travel in the whole world.

But that not always a good thing; people forgot the way humans should live and dwell in big comunity, too big to sustain a good natural life.

I remember, in the past, when I was a kid I used to go away from the city to stay for some weeks with my grand parents. They live in a small town not to far from the big city but enough to have clear air and unpolluted water. In the evening you could go outside to look at the stars and really see them and the constellation.
Right now I just remember a few but my grandpa used to point out and teach me how to join the dot and see the shape of the Ursa Major and two of those stars point to the North star.

Now in the big city you are lucky to just see a clear sky; most of the time you can expect to stare up and watch to an orange sky with no stars at all.

And you are now used to eat and drink bad thing too. Already prepared meals, just to be warmed in the oven and bottled water or soda. We will end like in "Back to the future" with the dehydrated pizza.

And that way most of the people of our big country is fat or obese, eating too much without burning enough calories and probably dumping most of the left-over.

At least someone try to get back and eat more natural or at least give to the body the natural nutriments that is needed. These are just supplements pills but at least the body start to remember how to feed better and maybe with time he will ask for more natural stuff, something grown in the earth and not in some factory.

I hope everybody will start to understand how to live better eating the way the old men used to do.